Старый 12.10.2021, 09:33   #1
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По умолчанию Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016-2019 Retail-VL Version 2109 (Build 14430.2029

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016-2019 Retail-VL Version 2109 (Build 14430.20298) (x64) Multilanguage | x64 | Languages:Arabic,English,German,Greek,French,Spani sh,Italian,Russian,Turkish | File Size: 7.36 GB

Office 365 ProPlus, the cloud-connected version of Office, delivers the most productive and most secure Office experience—with the lowest total cost of ownership for deployment and management. However, for customers who aren’t ready for the cloud, Office 2019 provides new features and updates to the on-premises apps for both users and IT professionals. Like Windows Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) releases, Office 2019 provides a set of valuable enhancements for customers who can’t be cloud-connected or receive regular updates.The new enhancements in Office 2019 are a subset of a long list of features that have been added to Office 365 ProPlus over the last three years. Office 2019 is a one-time release and won’t receive future feature updates.

However, we’ll continue to add new features to Office 365 ProPlus monthly, including innovations in collaboration, artificial intelligence (AI), security, and more. Office 2019 delivers features across apps to help users create amazing content in less time. In PowerPoint 2019, you can create cinematic presentations with new features like Morph and Zoom. And improved inking features across the apps in Windows—like the roaming pencil case, pressure sensitivity, and tilt effects—allow you to naturally create documents.

Microsoft Office 2019 Select Edition includes:
Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus
Microsoft Access 2019
Microsoft Excel 2019
Microsoft Lync 2019
Microsoft OneNote 2019
Microsoft Outlook 2019
Microsoft PowerPoint 2019
Microsoft Publisher 2019
Microsoft Visio Viewer 2019
Microsoft Word 2019
Skype for business 2019
Office Shared Features
Office Tools
And many more

System Requirements:
OS:Windows 10/11.

1) Download the ISO
2) mount it or extract
3) run .exe
5) choose Microsoft office 2016 or 2019 and language click install
6) When installation is done, open kms file and choose 1.
7) Enjoy

Whats New
Updatesfficial site does not provide any info about changes in this version yet.


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Любые журналы Актион-МЦФЭР регулярно !!! Пишите https://www.nado.in/private.php?do=newpm&u=12191 или на электронный адрес pantera@nado.ws

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