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По умолчанию Adobe Master Collection 2019 Version 6 by M0nkrus

Adobe Master Collection 2019 Version 6 Cracked by M0nkrus | Size 28.39 GB

Release Date : September 2019
Languages : English / Russian
Operating System : Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
System Type : 32-bit / 64-bit

As I hope you know, the Adobe Master Collection 2019 does not exist in nature; Adobe has never released it. But, nevertheless, he is in front of you! Moreover, it was assembled on the basis of a modern installer, manufactured by Adobe, the transition to which was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of both mine and many well-known PainteRs. We both did a good job to bring this package into the world. Adobe Master Collection 2019 is a collection of applications from the Creative Cloud 2019 line and a number of minor programs combined with a single installer with the ability to choose the installation path and interface language of the installed programs. In terms of functionality, everything is very similar to the well-proven Adobe Master Collection CS6 in the past. Only now, the installer interface has changed, the current package includes significantly more programs than its namesake in the Creative Suite 6 line, and the versions of the programs themselves are mostly fresher.

Package Content:

Disc 1
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe After Effects 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Animate 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Audition 2019 64-bit (English only)
Adobe Bridge 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Bridge 2019 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Character Animator 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Dimension 64-bit (English only)
Adobe Dreamweaver 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Dreamweaver 2019 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Illustrator 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Illustrator 2019 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe InCopy 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe InCopy 2019 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe InDesign 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe InDesign 2019 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Lightroom Classic 64-bit (English only)
Adobe Lightroom CC 32-bit (English only)
Adobe Media Encoder 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Muse CC 2018 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Prelude 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Premiere Pro 2019 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Premiere Rush 64-bit (English only)
Adobe XD 64-bit (English only)
Adobe Acrobat Distiller DC 32-bit (Russian and English)

Disc 2
Adobe Audition CS6 32-bit (English only)
Adobe Encore CS6 64-bit (English only)
Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC 32-bit (English only)
Adobe Extension Manager CC 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Fireworks CS6 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 64-bit (English only)
Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 32-bit (English only)
Adobe Flash Pro CS6 32-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Fuse CC 2017 32-bit (English only)
Adobe Prelude CS6 32-bit (English only)
Adobe Scout CC 64-bit (English only)
Adobe SpeedGrade CC 2015 64-bit (Russian and English)
Adobe Bridge CS6 64-bit (Russian and English)
32-bit Adobe Bridge CS6 (Russian and English)
32-bit Adobe Extension Manager CS6 (Russian and English)
64-bit Adobe Media Encoder CS6 (Russian and English)
32-bit Adobe Media Encoder CS6 (Russian and English)
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 64-bit (English only)
Exchange Panel for CS6 (English only)

What is changed by the author of the assembly:
- I found a hidden opportunity to use the modern local Adobe installer for multi-installation, and PainteR "caught" the necessary syntax to initialize it.
- I divided the collection of source distributions into two parts, the first of which was combined on the basis of the modern Adobe installer, the second on the basis of the old one.
- The modern installer of the program has been substantially redesigned and optimized by me. In particular, the choice of installation path and interface language of the installed programs is available.
- From the modern installer, with the exception of the required minimum, the Adobe Application Manager module has been cut, which is installed by the original installer without fail.
- From the modern installer, with the exception of the required minimum, the Adobe Desktop Common module has been cut, which is installed by the original installer without fail.
- The Adobe Creative Cloud module, completely installed by the original installer without fail, is completely cut out of the modern installer.
- To remove restrictions on the use of the old Adobe installer for the second part of the assembly, PainteR "finalized" a number of its source files.
- I made a correction to the old installer, which allows me to bypass the current conflict problem for the installed and installed version of the Visual C ++ 2015 Redistributable package.
- From the installation kits, whenever possible, all language packs are excluded, except for Russian and English.
- For products of the 2019 th line, the ability to install minor versions on Windows 7 with SP1, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 is unlocked.
- In Windows 7, a modern installer offline integrates a certificate confirming Adobe's current electronic signature.
- For most applications of the first part of the assembly, when authorizing with your Adobe ID, the CC Library panel becomes available.
- Product Adobe Acrobat Pro DC updated to version 19.12.20040.
- Product Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 64-bit updated to version
- Product Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 32-bit updated to version
- Product Adobe Illustrator 2019 64-bit updated to version
- Product Adobe Illustrator 2019 32-bit updated to version
- Product Adobe InDesign 2019 32-bit updated to version
- Adobe InDesign 2019 64-bit product updated to version
- Adobe InCopy 2019 32-bit product updated to version
- Adobe InCopy 2019 64-bit product updated to version
- Product Adobe Bridge 2019 32-bit updated to version
- Adobe Bridge 2019 64-bit product updated to version
- Adobe Dreamweaver 2019 32-bit product updated to version
- Adobe Dreamweaver 2019 64-bit product updated to version
- Product Adobe Premiere Pro 2019 updated to version
- Adobe Premiere Rush has been updated to version
- Adobe After Effects 2019 has been updated to version
- Adobe Media Encoder 2019 has been updated to version
- Adobe Prelude 2019 product updated to version
- Product Adobe Audition 2019 has been updated to version
- Adobe Animate 2019 has been updated to version
- Product Adobe Character Animator 2019 updated to version
- Adobe Lightroom Classic product updated to version
- Product Adobe Dimension updated to version
- Product Adobe XD updated to version
- Adobe Muse CC 2018 has been updated to version 2018.1.0.266.
- Adobe Camera Raw for CC has been updated to version
- Product Adobe Motion Picture Profiles updated to version 1.1.2.
- Product Adobe Color Video Profiles AE updated to version 1.1.2.
- Adobe CCX Process has been updated to version
- Product Adobe CC Library updated to version
- Product Adobe Fuse CC 2017 updated to version 2017.1.
- Adobe SpeedGrade CC 2015 has been updated to version
- Product Adobe Extension Manager CC has been updated to version 7.3.2.
- Product Adobe Encore CS6 updated to version 6.0.2.
- Product Adobe Flash Pro CS6 updated to version 12.0.2.
- Product Adobe Fireworks CS6 updated to version 12.0.1.
- Product Adobe Prelude CS6 updated to version 1.0.3.
- Product Adobe Audition CS6 updated to version 5.0.2.
- Product Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 updated to version 6.0.5.
- Product Adobe Bridge CS6 32-bit updated to version 5.0.2.
- Product Adobe Bridge CS6 64-bit updated to version 5.0.2.
- Product Adobe Media Encoder CS6 32-bit updated to version 6.0.3.
- Product Adobe Media Encoder CS6 64-bit updated to version 6.0.3.
- Product Adobe Extension Manager CS6 updated to version 6.0.8.
- Adobe Camera Raw for CS6 has been updated to version 9.1.88.
- Product Adobe CSXS Infrastructure for CS6 updated to version 3.0.3.
- Product Adobe Dynamic Link Media Server for CS6 updated to version 1.0.1.
- The Adobe CCX Process module is specially patched so that a message about the end of the trial period is not displayed on an authorized program using Adobe ID.
- Adobe Extension Manager CC is specially patched so that it now recognizes and can work with the latest versions of Adobe products.
- All programs have already been treated. Start-up windows (initial screens) for all programs work.

[ Release Information ]
Name : Adobe Master Collection 2019 v6 DVD 1
Size Iso : 18.8 GB
MD5 : a91090dae7d88a8d9ba5ff696b80a7c5
SHA-1 : 909bd56b12d6c104faac50c10b911812ba395354

[ Release Information ]
Name : Adobe Master Collection 2019 v6 DVD 2
Size Iso : 9.54 GB
MD5 : 55e1a15e1ef2cf1376957cd9be5e6964
SHA-1 : 2dbc57ff5853776b1974674ffed7ecbc1806a296

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DVD 1 | Size 18.8 GB

DVD 2 | Size 9.54 GB
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