Старый 25.07.2014, 16:57   #1
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По умолчанию TomTom Maps OF Europe East 930.5560 Retail-NAViGON

TomTom Maps of Europe East 930.5560 Retail-NAViGON

TomTom Maps of Europe East 930.5560 Retail-NAViGON | 1.6 GB

As one of the world's leading GPS providers, TomTom knows that great in-car navigation relies on the best quality map. To keep enjoying fast and accurate navigation, you need to keep your map up to date. That's why, here at TomTom, we strive to give you the best map right from the start. Map making is in our DNA and this mapping expertise underpins a whole range of innovative features within our maps. TomTom maps are more than just a basic map - we give you 4 layers of navigation technology:

- Every device starts with the most up-to-date map.
- Next, we add TomTom IQ Routes to give you the quickest routes
and most accurate arrival times.
- The third layer, TomTom Map Share, helps you avoid detours and
get you to your destination even faster.
- And the fourth layer, HD Traffic, guarantees you the fastest way
through traffic congestion

TomTom gives you more map, more technology, and the fastest routes

HD Traffic layer is only available on TomTom LIVE devices with active LIVE services.

Countries fully covered (99.9%):

Belgium, Denmark, Germania, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherland, Norway, Austria, Poland, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Vatican City.

Partial covergae:

Bulgaria (54 %), Greece (95 %), Latvia (63 %), Russia (35 %), Turkey (63 %)




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930, east, europe, maps, tomtom

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