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По умолчанию Microsoft Office LTSC Standard 2024 v16.93 MacOs

Microsoft Office LTSC Standard 2024 v16.93 MacOs

Medizin inklusive/Crack
Medicine included/crack
Size: 2.35 GB
Languages: Multilanguage, English, German....
Compatibility: macOS 13 or higher

Office LTSC 2024 offers a locked-in-time version of familiar productivity tools, updated with a subset of the features that have been added to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise over the last three years. New features for this release include Dynamic Charts and more than a dozen new text and array functions in Excel, enhanced search and meeting creation options in Outlook, and improvements to performance, security, and accessibility.

Create and share professional-looking documents with state-of-the-art editing, reviewing, and sharing tools. The new Design tab provides quick access to features, and Smart Lookup shows relevant contextual information from the web directly inside Word.

Analyze and visualize your data in new and intuitive ways with a fresh user interface plus your favorite keyboard shortcuts. Leverage features like Analysis Toolpak, Slicers, and Formula Builder to save time, so you can focus on insights.

Create, collaborate, and effectively present your ideas with new slide transitions and an improved Animations task pane. Threaded comments alongside your slides help you incorporate feedback into your presentations. And Presenter View displays the current slide, next slide, speaker notes, and a timer on your Mac, while projecting only the presentation to your audience on the big screen.

It's your very own digital notebook, so you can keep notes, ideas, web pages, photos, even audio and video all in one place. Whether you're at home, in the office, or on the move, you can take it all with you wherever you go while sharing and collaborating with others. It's great for school assignments, work projects, travel plans, party planning, and more.

Easily manage your email, calendar, contacts, and tasks. Push email support keeps your inbox up to date, conversation view groups related messages, and calendars can be viewed side-by-side for planning.

Befolgen Sie die nachstehenden Anweisungen, um Ihre Version von Microsoft Office 2024 für Mac zu aktivieren.

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Microsoft Office 2024 for Mac.

Install office Using given installer
Install the VL Serializer afterwards
That's it, Enjoy!

Installieren Sie Office mit dem angegebenen Installationsprogramm.
Installieren Sie anschließend den VL Serializer.
Das war's, viel Spaß!



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