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По умолчанию Windows ALL (7,8.1,10,11) All Editions With Updates AIO 88in1 (x86/x64) October 2021

Windows ALL (7,8.1,10,11) All Editions With Updates AIO 88in1 (x86/x64) October 2021 Preactivated | Windows (x86/x64) | Languages:English | File Size: 14.8 GB

This is Full Iso With All Windows 11 And 10 And 8.1 And 7 in One With October 2021 Updates.

List of windows editions available for installation
1. "Windows 7 ENTERPRISE x86"
2. "Windows 7 STARTERN x86"
3. "Windows 7 HOMEBASICN x86"
4. "Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUMN x86"
5. "Windows 7 PROFESSIONALN x86"
6. "Windows 7 ULTIMATEN x86"
7. "Windows 7 STARTER x86"
8. "Windows 7 HOMEBASIC x86"
9. "Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM x86"
10. "Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL x86"
11. "Windows 7 ULTIMATE x86"
12. "Windows 7 ENTERPRISEN x64"
13. "Windows 7 ENTERPRISE x64"
14. "Windows 7 HOMEBASICN x64"
15. "Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUMN x64"
16. "Windows 7 PROFESSIONALN x64"
17. "Windows 7 ULTIMATEN x64"
18. "Windows 7 HOMEBASIC x64"
19. "Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM x64"
20. "Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL x64"
21. "Windows 7 ULTIMATE x64"
22. "Windows 8.1 Enterprise N x86"
23. "Windows 8.1 Enterprise x86"
24. "Windows 8.1 Pro N x86"
25. "Windows 8.1 N x86"
26. "Windows 8.1 Pro x86"
27. "Windows 8.1 x86"
28. "Windows 8.1 Single Language x86"
29. "Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise x86"
30. "Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro x86"
31. "Windows 8.1 Enterprise N x64"
32. "Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64"
33. "Windows 8.1 Pro N x64"
34. "Windows 8.1 N x64"
35. "Windows 8.1 Pro x64"
36. "Windows 8.1 x64"
37. "Windows 8.1 Single Language x64"
38. "Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise x64"
39. "Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro x64"
40. "Windows 10 Home x86"
41. "Windows 10 Home N x86"
42. "Windows 10 Pro x86"
43. "Windows 10 Pro N x86"
44. "Windows 10 Home Single Language x86"
45. "Windows 10 Pro Education x86"
46. "Windows 10 Pro Education N x86"
47. "Windows 10 Pro for Workstations x86"
48. "Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations x86"
49. "Windows 10 Pro Single Language x86"
50. "Windows 10 Education x86"
51. "Windows 10 Education N x86"
52. "Windows 10 Enterprise x86"
53. "Windows 10 Enterprise N x86"
54. "Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops x86"
55. "Windows 10 IoT Enterprise x86"
56. "Windows 10 Home x64"
57. "Windows 10 Home N x64"
58. "Windows 10 Pro x64"
59. "Windows 10 Pro N x64"
60. "Windows 10 Home Single Language x64"
61. "Windows 10 Pro Education x64"
62. "Windows 10 Pro Education N x64"
63. "Windows 10 Pro for Workstations x64"
64. "Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations x64"
65. "Windows 10 Pro Single Language x64"
66. "Windows 10 Education x64"
67. "Windows 10 Education N x64"
68. "Windows 10 Enterprise x64"
69. "Windows 10 Enterprise N x64"
70. "Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops x64"
71. "Windows 10 IoT Enterprise x64"
72. "Windows 11 Home"
73. "Windows 11 Home N"
74. "Windows 11 Pro"
75. "Windows 11 Pro N"
76. "Windows 11 Enterprise"
77. "Windows 11 Education"
78. "Windows 11 Pro Education"
79. "Windows 11 Pro for Workstations"
80. "Windows 11 Enterprise N"
81. "Windows 11 Education N"
82. "Windows 11 Pro Education N"
83. "Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations"
84. "Windows 11 Home Single Language"
85. "Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session"
86. "Windows 11 IoT Enterprise"
87. "Windows 11 SE"
88. "Windows 11 SE N"

Whats New
Added All Updates For Windows 10 & 8.1 &7 For July 2021[/b]

System Requirements:
Processor: 2.5 gigahertz (GHz) or faster.
RAM: 2 gigabyte (GB).
Free space on hard disk: 40 gigabytes (GB).
Graphics card: DirectX 9 graphics device or a newer version.
Additional requirements to use certain features.
To use touch you need a tablet or monitor that supports multitouch.
To access the Windows store to download and run apps, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels


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Текущее время: 10:39. Часовой пояс GMT +1.

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