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По умолчанию Avast Premium Security 21.4.2464 (Build 21.4.6266) Multilingual

Avast Premium Security 21.4.2464 (Build 21.4.6266) Multilingual | 502 MB
Avast Premium Security is more than just antivirus. It provides complete online protection for all of your computers, phones, and tablets. The software has custom features for PC, Mac, Android, and iPhone/iPad secure your devices where it's needed most. Single - and Multi-Device options let you choose the protection that works best for you. "Up to 10 devices" means you can share your security with every one of your devices or everyone closest to you. Avast Premium Security protects against all online threats, including spoofed websites and ransomware. Complemented by SafeZone technology, it creates an isolated virtual desktop, invisible to any possible attacker, where you can do your online shopping and banking securely.

The Avast award-winning and certified antivirus engine and shields stop even previously unknown threats - for peace of mind when you chat or spend time on Facebook, Twitter, or other websites.

The silent firewall stops hackers and other unauthorized entry attempts to your PC, to keep your data where it belongs - safe and sound. The antispam feature blocks both spam and sophisticated "phishing" attempts, to keep you from clicking "harmless" links that really can cause damage.

Safely shop and bank online
Spoofed (fake) websites are one of the oldest hacking tricks in the book. Avast Premium Security scans websites for security risks on both your computer and mobile phone, so you can finally shop and bank online safely on any device.

Avoid becoming the victim of digital extortion
Ransomware is quickly becoming one of the most common - and dangerous - types of malware out there. Avast Premium Security protects your devices against havoc-wreaking ransomware so you don't become the victim of digital extortion.

Blocks viruses, spyware, and other threats in real-time
Enjoy peace of mind with advanced ransomware protection
Avoid fake websites for safer online shopping and banking
Keep hackers off your computer with our advanced firewall
Prevent strangers from watching you via your webcam

With Avast Premium Security for Windows, you also get:
Advanced antivirus. Blocks viruses, spyware, and other malware in real-time.
Web Shield. Blocks dangerous downloads and websites.
Wi-Fi Inspector. Detects weaknesses in both your home Wi-Fi network and public networks.
Real Site. Prevents you from visiting fake sites designed to steal passwords and money.
Sandbox. Lets you open suspicious files in a safe environment to protect your PC.
Advanced Firewall. Monitors and controls what goes in and out of your computer.
Ransomware Shield. Prevents ransomware from harming any files in your protected folders.
Sensitive Data Shield. Stops spyware from accessing sensitive documents on your computer.
Webcam Shield. Blocks untrusted apps from accessing your webcam.
Data Shredder. Helps you permanently delete sensitive files so they can't be recovered.
Automatic Software Updater. Updates the most popular apps on your PC to help plug security holes.
Passive Mode. Lets you safely use another antivirus on your PC alongside Avast Premium Security.
Do Not Disturb Mode. Silences notifications from Windows, other apps, and even our own Avast apps.
Real-time updates. Pushes security updates to you so you always have our best protection.

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[Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям . Регистрируйся тут...]

[Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям . Регистрируйся тут...]
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