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По умолчанию Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 VL v2405 Build 17628.20110 (x86/x64) Mult...

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 VL v2405 Build 17628.20110 (x86/x64) Multilingual

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 VL v2405 Build 17628.20110 (x86/x64) Multilingual
Languages:Arabic,English,German,Spanish,Greek,Fren ch,Italian,Portuguese-Portuguese,Portuguese-Brazil,Turkish,Dutch | File Size: 6.23/6.46 GB

Microsoft has officially announced the availability of the final version of its Office 2021 release for Windows and Mac users. Following the release of the preview version in the first half of this year, the product has been refined and is now available to users. Office 2021 includes updated versions of apps from the suite, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, and Publisher.

Microsoft Office 2016-2019-2021 includes
- Microsoft Office Mondo 2016
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021
- Microsoft Office Professional 2016
- Microsoft Office Professional 2019
- Microsoft Office Professional 2021
- Microsoft Office Professional Premium
- Microsoft Office Standard 2016
- Microsoft Office Standard 2019
- Microsoft Office Standard 2021
- Microsoft Project Professional 2016
- Microsoft Project Professional 2019
- Microsoft Project Professional 2021
- Microsoft Project Standard 2016
- Microsoft Project Standard 2019
- Microsoft Project Standard 2021
- Microsoft Visio Professional 2016
- Microsoft Visio Professional 2019
- Microsoft Visio Professional 2021
- Microsoft Visio Standard 2016
- Microsoft Visio Standard 2019
- Microsoft Visio Standard 2021
- Microsoft Office Home Business 2016
- Microsoft Office Home Business 2019
- Microsoft Office Home Business 2021
- Microsoft Office Home Business Premium
- Microsoft Office Home Student 2016
- Microsoft Office Home Student 2019
- Microsoft Office Home Student 2021
- Microsoft Office 365 (Home Premium)
- Microsoft Office 365 (Education Cloud)
- Microsoft Office 365 Apps for Business
- Microsoft Office 365 Apps for Enterprise
- Microsoft Office 365 Small Business Premium
Office 2021 includes virtually every change that has been added to the suite of programs in Office 365 over the past 3 years, although some features remain exclusive to subscribers. In addition to the main programs Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, which are available for both Windows and macOS, the Access and Publisher versions are only available for Windows and are included, as usual, only in premiums. Visio and Project for Windows are also available, although they are not part of the ongoing release of Office.
System requirements
- Dual-core processor, 1.6 GHz or faster
- 2.0 GHz + for Skype for Business
- 4 GB of RAM for 64-bit; 2 GB of RAM for 32-bit systems
- 4.0 GB of free disk space
- Screen resolution 1280 x 768 or higher
- Windows 10, Windows Server 2019
- Requires DirectX 9 or higher, with WDDM 2.0 or higher for Windows 10
- Internet access is not required. Activation - Internet-based or telephone-based, and KMS or MAK for enterprises.
What's new in Office 2021
- Excel icon got bigger
- Precision cell selection
- Key PivotTable Improvements: Personalization, Automatic Relationship Detection, Time Grouping, Increase and Decrease Buttons, Field List Search, Smart Rename, Multi-Screen Slicer, Faster OLAP Pivot Tables, Create, Filter by Timelines
- New Data Analysis Capabilities
- New types of charts, 2D maps
- New formulas, Excel functions
- CSV (UTF-8) support
- Improved access to the latest files and folders and book version history
- Data Protection (DLP) in Excel
- Publish to Power BI
- PowerPivot Enhancements
- Get & Transform (PowerQuery) improvements
- Insert SVG, icons and convert them to shapes, insert 3D models
- Improved handwriting support
- Large Powerpoint Icon
- Morph transition
- Zoom effect to jump to specific slides, sections and parts of your presentations
- Scalable ink enhancement: Record digital colorful gestures, pens, markers and pencils, effects, layer eraser, ruler to draw straight lines at any angle, slide show control with gestures.
- Insert and manage icons, SVG and 3D models, convert SVG icons to shapes
- Improved drawing and free-form markings
- Export 4K video
- Large Outlook icon
- Automatic download of OneDrive attachments
- Ability to see answers
- Focusing incoming
- Voice dictation and reading aloud
- Add multiple time zones to your calendar
- Mark emails as read when deleted
- Pop-up reminders
- Trip and delivery summary maps, updated contact cards.
- Improved availability check
- Office 365 support (with Exchange online account)
- Access icon got bigger
- 11 new charts to make it easier to understand the data stored in access forms and reports
- Bigint support
- Return the dBASE format of an import, link or export
- Sorting property sheet for forms and reports
- Shortcut Name property for controls
- Improved ODBC Reconnect Logic
- Keyboard shortcut for editing list item values ​​(Ctrl + E)
- Accessibility improvements
Office 2021 will not has
- An editor and explorer of functions in Word.
- Tap in Word, PowerPoint and Outlook.
- PowerPoint Designer
- Ideas and data types in Excel.
- Sharing in real time in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
- Encrypting Office 365 Messages.
- Advanced Threat Protection in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneDrive for Business
- Protection of corporate enterprises.
- Sensitive label support in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
- Shared Computer Licensing
- FastTrack parameters
- Integration with Microsoft Intune



Download link

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